Under the project legal literacy of a foreign citizen means knowledge of the basic laws of the Russian Federation in general and in particular in the field of migration legislation, awareness of their rights and obligations, the ability to apply their legal knowledge, the formation of responsibility for their actions before the law and society.
Throughout the year, starting from September 2022, international students can apply to the Association's specialists for consultations in one of the five languages: English, Chinese, Arabic, Tajik or Uzbek.
Sign up for a consultation here.
Tutors are volunteers who help in the adaptation of foreign students of universities in Chelyabinsk, who arrived in Russia for the first time in 2022. The tutor meets a first year student at the train station or the airport, helps him or her with migration registration, register at the place of residence, take a medical examination and get health insurance, introduces the university environment, explains where the bank and shopping mall are, how to buy food and many other things that differ from what a foreigner is used to, including getting into the educational process.
A project where cuisine becomes a portal to national cultures. International students not only cook, but also share the most interesting facts about their countries.
The project leader is Dilrabo Tojikulova. Dilrabo Tojikulova..
The project involves creating a space for inter-ethnic dialogue, with the help of culinary master classes of the peoples of Russia and the world. It is planned to hold 10 master classes from September till December 2022. Any student of the Chelyabinsk region who would like to get acquainted with a representative of another culture can take part.
The head of the project - Victoria Pentegova.
The project promotes the development of spoken English and expanding the vocabulary of students.
Each time a relevant topic is chosen for communication between the participants. The Conversation Club is held weekly at South Ural State University.
The leader is Ahmed Mohamed.
You can join the project here.
The project was implemented with the support of the Presidential Grants Fund with the aim to form and assimilate knowledge about the cultural and legal field of the Russian Federation among the first year foreign students of the universities of Chelyabinsk. Within three months from February 1 to July 1, 2022 interactive lessons, aimed at disclosing the peculiarities of the Russian language, traditions, culture and legal framework of Russia, were held.
The aim of the project was achieved - 303 participants received relevant knowledge.
The main qualitative results achieved: the formation and assimilation of knowledge of socio-cultural values and legislation of Russia, increasing the level of tolerant attitude of students to each other, increasing interest in the further study of Russian culture and Russian language.
The forum was held twice in November 2019 and in April 2021.
During the second forum for 4 days of the forum about 700 interested persons were present, including 156 foreign citizens, 35 participants of the round table of the Ural Interethnic Integration Center and about 500 spectators of the creative program. The participants represented 12 higher educational institutions of the Urals Federal District and Bashkiria. The key event of the forum was the strategy session as the most effective format for interaction of the participants to discuss and find answers to the questions put to them. The result of the forum was a resolution reflecting the ideas and projects worked out by the participants.
The project leader was Valeria Chachina.
This is a series of programs that show the life of international students in Russia. There are 10 thematic videos, which gain up to 17,000 views. The head of the project is Gulnara Khodzhieva.
To implement the project a grant was received from the Foundation for Public Diplomacy. Gorchakov.
The project was awarded the prize "Fund of social, cultural and educational initiatives 2020".
Форум является ежегодным событием и проводится в целях развития сотрудничества между молодыми людьми и молодёжными организациями России и Таджикистана.
В этом году местом проведения форума выбран город Челябинск, а его тематика была обозначена как темой форума стала: «Новая реальность – новые медиа».
C 15 по 18 ноября 2022 года более 50 участников - представителей молодёжных общественных организаций, молодые лидеры, студенты вузов, представители структур, реализующих молодёжную политику в России и Таджикистане. Они прилетели в Челябинск из Душанбе, Бохтар, Худжанда, Москвы, Санкт-Петербурга, Саратова, Архангельска и других городов.
Организаторами мероприятия являются: Министерство науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации, базовая организация государств-участников СНГ по работе с молодёжью (РТУ МИРЭА), Информационно-аналитический центр по изучению общественно-политических процессов на постсоветском пространстве (ИАЦ МГУ), Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Южно-Уральский государственный университет (национальный исследовательский университет)», Ассоциация общественных объединений «Национальный Совет молодёжных и детских объединений России», Ассоциация иностранных студентов и выпускников Южного Урала.
On May 13-15, 2022, an educational forum on the Second World War and the Great Patriotic War was held for SUSU students from CIS countries with the number of participants exceeding 100. The forum was initiated by the President of the Association Uvindu Wajevira.
As a result of the project, interest in general history among students from both near and far abroad has increased.
The forum was held by the Foundation for Assistance to Armed Forces and Law Enforcement Agencies "Patriot" with the assistance of the Association with the use of a grant of the Governor of the Chelyabinsk Region.
More than 230 students participated in the project and acted as official representatives of SCO member countries, who attended the conference to discuss the issues on the agenda. The ultimate goal of each simulated body - the preparation of a resolution containing recommendations for solving the problem in question - was achieved. The implementation of this goal was possible due to the compromise of the interests of the participants. The level of political culture, tolerant attitude of the residents of the Chelyabinsk region to the representatives of different nationalities was increased.
Email: aisa.southural@gmail.com